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Monthly breast self-examination (BSE)

Each lady since age 20 years old should perform BSE at least ones a month to find any changes in breasts: - non-menopausal ladies: on the 5th-12th day of each menstrual cycle - menopausal ladies: any day – example, the 1st day of each month.

The main steps of BSE:

1st step:

a woman looks at her breasts in the mirror with shoulders straight and arms on hips (breasts’ size, shape, color), after that she raises arms and looks for the same changes, including fluid coming out of one or both nipples,

2d step:

a woman must feel breasts while she is standing or sitting, using R hand to feel L breast and then L hand to feel R breast, keeping the fingers flat and together, a circular motion, about the size of a quarter. Beginning – from a nipple,

3d step:

a woman must feel breasts while lying down, using the same hand movements described in the 2d step.

Many women find that the easiest way to feel their breasts is when their skin is wet and slippery (ex., in shower).

Dear ladies, if during Breast self-exam you have found any changes, kindly visit Breast disease specialist.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Tatiana


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