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Food to prevent and fight against cancer

Medicine has alternative ways to fight cancer cells.

It is a sufficient consumption of foods those can help to prevent and fight against malignant tumors:

- Garlic and onion family: they suspend effects of carcinogenic substances. Also they have a killing effect on cancer cells. Garlic is useful to fight colon cancer cells, it also affects Helicobacter pylori - bacteria, which cause stomach ulcers and tumors.

- Extra-virgin olive oil: it has a oleocanthal, which cause self-destruction inside of cancer cells,

- Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, including all types of cabbage, contain a huge amount of special phytochemical elements called glucosinolates. But these products have a positive effect only in their raw form,

- Tomatoes have the highest content of a red dye of natural origin called lycopene, which is the most powerful antioxidant. Both fresh tomatoes and tomato juice or sauce are suitable. During processing, the combination of these substances becomes stronger and more easily digestible,

- Red pepper, watermelon and grapefruits also have the lycopene and useful to prevent cancer,

- Garden and forest berries (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, blueberries) contain a huge amount of antioxidants, vitamin C, ellagic acid & flavonoids - they can suppress enzymes that destroy the DNA of healthy cells,

- Carrot contains a huge amount of beta-carotene, which acts as a powerful antioxidant and can protect cell membranes against harmful effects of toxins. It reduces the growth rate of cancer cells. Thermally processed carrots provide the body with more antioxidants than raw carrots.

Save the post and try to have these products on your table as often as possible.

Always watch your diet and stay healthy!


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