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Warning signs of Breast Cancer

All women have to know the main signs of Breast cancer:

- breast lump,

- breast pain,

- change of shape of the breast,

- changes in the skin overlying the breast: redness, swelling, ulceration, discharge, or swelling and thickening breast skin (like orange peel),

- persist itching and rash around the nipple,

- retraction of the nipple (in-drawing of the nipple),

- any discharge from nipple include blood,

- swelling or lump under the arm (axillar area).

Kindly note, that most women with these symptoms do not have breast cancer. It may be benign mass, fibro-cystic disease or other lesions.

But only a Breast Disease specialist can decide a question about nature of your problem.

Each woman has to seek for medical help if she has seen these signs!

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